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10 April 1554, the inscription of Onufri in the church of Shpat, “when you get up your hands at God, also mention me, sinful Onufri”

On the east wall, of St. Friday’s Church in Vlash of Shpat, Elbasan, is preserved the writings, since 1554, which states: “when you get up your hands at God, also mention me, sinful Onufri, priest, painter and Protopapa from Neokastra “. As is known, Onufri has been the largest and most talented iconographer of our country, who has decorated with icons and wall paintings many pagodas of the XVI century. Some of its icons are exposed outside the country and are highly evaluated by art critics. A great echo has had especially the portrait of Saint Mary with the little Jesus, who has been compared with the masterpieces of the Renaissance in Europe.

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