One of the great figures of medieval Albanian culture, Theodhor Kavaljoti, died on August 11, 1789. The thinker, the Albanian philosopher and lecturer, was born in 1718 in Voskopoja. He was educated at homeland and in Ioannina. In 1743, he was appointed a teacher and then a director of high school, which in 1750 was renamed the new Academy of Voskopoja. He is the author of the first Albanian textbooks that have come to our day like, “Llogjika”, “Fizika”, “Metafizika”. Special importance is his work “Protopiria”, published in Venice on 1770. The book also contains a glossary of 1170 words in Albanian, Greek and Slavic languages. Theodhor Kavaljoti, besides teaching, was also a propagandist of advanced philosophical thoughts and thoughts of the time.
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