In January 1981, was published the novel of Guatemalan writer Miguel Asturias “Green Pope”, translated by Perto Zheji. This was the fourth work of this Nobel that was presented to Albanian readers. In 1971, it was published in Pristina, “Legend of Guatemala”. One year later was published in Tirana “Week-end in Guatemala” and in 1974, “Mr. President”.
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On January 23rd, 1899, was held the “Assembly of Peja”; to protect with guns the fragmentation of Albanian territories
On January 23rd,1894, was born Rosalino Petrota, Arbëresh historian and publicist
On January23rd, 1900, was opened in Romania the night school to learn the Albanian language
On January 23rd, 1909, died Halit Bërzeshta, patriot of the national movement
On January 23rd, 1916, was murdered Isa Boletini.