Albanian Choreography, commemorates today the anniversary of the separation from the life of the “People’s Artist” Panajot Kanaci. He is the first Albanian balletmaster, founder of classical ballet. After the war, he created a group of dancers in Tirana, who, together with the Pioneers’ House, became the core of later professional ballet. With the establishment of the State Philharmonic, in 1950, Panama Cancan became the first Albanian ballet master. “Albanian Wedding” was his first major step in the path of creativity. In fact, in the framework of the Philharmonic, the first opera, “Rusallka” by the Russian composer, Dragomizhski, was inaugurated on 27 November 1953 on the inauguration day of the TOB. With this event begins the great work for preparation and screening Classical ballet “Shatirvani i Bahcirsarajit” and “Esmeralda”. In 1956, she was given the opportunity to attend the ballet studio in Moscow. The first appearance after graduation was the “Francesca da Rimini” bar. In 1963, according to the booklet and director of Panajot Kanaci, was staged “Halili and Hajrija”, with the music of Tish Daia. It was the first Albanian choreographic work, with the foundation of the national ballet. It was followed by “Delina”, with the music of Cesk Zadese, “Partizani”, with the music of Kosma Lara, “The Fisherman’s Family”, with Tish Daia’s music and “Shote and Azem Galica” with Nikola Zorac’s music. Panajot Kanaci revealed and highlighted the features, characteristics and the beauty of Albanian folk tradition, of our dance, elaborated and stylized them, transforming them into national artistic creations. He was separated from life on July 15, 1996.
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