On 17 August 1928, all over Albania, two-month elections were held for the Constitutional Assembly. Voters (men only) chose the so-called second voters, who voted in favor of the 57 constituents of the Constitutional Assembly, most of whom supported Ahmet Zogu, President of the Republic of Albania. The democratic opposition, which existed until 1924, was completely liquidated.
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9 March 1750, was established in Voskopoja “New Academy”, a very progressed high school
9 March 1907, in Shkodra was born the painter Zef Kolombi
9 March 1923, in Tirana was published the first number of “Rrufeja” newspaper
9 March 1927, was established the commercial company SITA, with an Albanian capital of 1 million gold francs
9 March 1937, in the Albanian press was required the censorship of cowboy films