In Tirana, on August 17, 1944, Professor Rexhep Mejdani was born, a prominent physicist, lecturer, journalist and statesman. He has been educated at home and graduated in physics at the State University of Tirana. Immediately after his studies, he started as an assistant and continued as a lecturer. As a result of her postgraduate studies, she received her Ph.D. in Paris at the University of Tirana and three years later at the University of Tirana. In 1987, he received the title of Professor and for four years he was the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana. In the years of transition he was also involved in the political life of the country. In 1996, he was elected secretary-general of the Socialist Party, and on July 24, 1997, the Albanian Parliament in a very troubled and delicate period elected President of the Republic.
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