Kristo Kono, composer, pedagogue, actor and organizer of Albanian artistic life, was born in Korça on July 17, 1907. The music teacher at Korce Lycée prepared hundreds of passionate singers and instrumentalists, and in leisure time he was involved in the organization and direction of the amateur movement. He set up and directed the choirs, organized spiritual bands and orchestras, prepared and performed the first concerts and performances with the students as well as with the artists who started coming from European conservatives. Even in the field of creativity, he started from the simple harmonies of Korça’s civic songs, from simple choir songs, from coral and orchestral rhapsodies, to those works that needed amateur groups and assemblies. Konos’s creed erupted especially after the liberation of the country when practically the birth and development of our musical art were created professional music institutions such as the Philharmonic, the Opera and Ballet Theater, the houses and palaces of culture. During 1945-1965, most of the choral, orchestral and stage works were written and performed, making it popular and popular throughout the country. In many kinds of music genres, he remains a true initiator. The first symphonic work that was executed in our country came out of his penis, just like the first operetta that was played on our scenes. He was among the first to cultivate the cantata, the vocal-instrumental poem, the rhapsody for choir and that for the orchestra, fantasy and orchestra dance.
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