On August 19, 1691, the Great Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, Fazil Mustafa Qyperli, a sucker of the Albanian family Qyperliu, was killed in Hankomen, Hungary, which gave several prime ministers to Istanbul. The power of Fazil Mustafa Qyperliu was so great that in 1687 he gathered in the Blue Mosque of the capital, the assembly of the ulema and read the petition for the sultan’s dismissal and in charge of the representatives went to the royal palace and divorced the sultan in power and replaced him, m9 of his brother Sulayman.
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9 March 1750, was established in Voskopoja “New Academy”, a very progressed high school
9 March 1907, in Shkodra was born the painter Zef Kolombi
9 March 1923, in Tirana was published the first number of “Rrufeja” newspaper
9 March 1927, was established the commercial company SITA, with an Albanian capital of 1 million gold francs
9 March 1937, in the Albanian press was required the censorship of cowboy films