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24 August 1913, was published the first number of “Përlindja e Shqipërisë” newspaper

In Vlora, on August 24, 1913, was published the first number of the official newspaper of the independent Albanian state ” Përlindja e Shqipërisë “. It was published twice a week and continued the publication until 1914. It published economic, political, social and cultural news. Supported the policy of the Provisional Government of Vlora, headed by Ismail Qemali; Defended the rights of the Albanian people and the borders of Albania, against the looting aims of the neighboring chauvinists and the intrigue and negligence of foreign diplomacy.  “Përlindja e Shqipërisë ” was for the unity of the Albanian people and called for its unity without distinction of religion and province.

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