Sulejman Harri, is one of the first intellectuals graduated in Austria, that become part of Radio Tirana, sincet in its first broadcasts. He was born in Elbasan, on March 24th, 1900. He finished the University of Kremsi for Pedagogy and Psychology. In homeland he did his profession, in Elbasan, Korca, Vlora and Tirana, educating generations of Albanians. But he is known for the great initiative that the teachers of the towns and villages, besides their daily work, collected facts and material on the history and culture of our country. Thus it was published almanac “Atdheu yne”, which contains historical, archaeological, ethnographic, folklore, geography, dialectological, demographics datas. Sulejman Harry continued his work in the years after the liberation. But in 1947, he was arrested and was released in November 1956 and he had not the the right of teaching.
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