Constantine the Great, the son of Costantinus I and Helena, the succulent of the Illyrian tribe Flavi, on July 25, 306, came to the throne and ruled until he died in 337. He was among the generals who did not know any Loss, great reformer in the organization of state and army. For extraordinary merit, St. Costandin’s day is celebrated and celebrated annually on 21 May.
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31 January, 1862, was born Zef De Rada, the son of the great arberesh
31 January, 1911, was published by the Western press the memorandum “The researchers of Albanian”
31 January 1920, was approved “The Statute of Lushnja” or the first Albanian Constitution
31 January 1925, was proclaimed the Albanian Republic and Ahmet Zogu President
31 January 1924, was published the first number of “Reforma” magazine