World Bank
On December 27th, 1945, was created the International Bank of Construction and Development or abbreviated the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as specialized institutions of the United Nations. Our country joined these forums only in 1991. Their missions were placed in Tirana for help and followed the implementation of reforms and to make recommendations for the recovery of the national economy and its transition to a free market economy.
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22 December, today is the Winter Solstice
22 December , 1925, it was established “The Directorate of Emigrants” tha will care for Albanians who came from the lands outside the border
22 December, 1942, the Soviet Union recognizes the anti-fascist struggle of the Albanian people
22 December, 1945, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations with France
22 December, 1993, the contours of a market economy; Parliament approves the law on taxes