In the ancient city of Durres, on August 29, 1942, was born a sportsman, actor and director Ferdinand Radi. From 1945, he lived and worked in Tirana. In the early youth, during 1958-1962, he played football with the team of “Dinamo” team. With the “Partizani”, he became active with the amateur body, where his talent was discovered. So he was enrolled in the director’s course, directed by prominent director Pandi Stillu and Pirro Mani, of whom he learned a lot about stage and cinematic art. Later, he contracted at the National Theater and the Theater of the Higher Institute of Arts, performing one role one after the other. He performed with great success in such difficult parts as “The Missing Miss,” “Ezopi,” “Who Steals One, Has Luck in Love”. In 1995, he staged and played in the comedy “8 persons” as well as the comedy “Inspector”. Ferdinand Radi, has left a mark on our cinematic and television developments. He has played successfully in 13 Albanian films, which continue to appear on our small screens.
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