The talented pilot of First Class and the Colonel of Military Air Forces, of Albania Republic, Anastas Ngjela, was born on March 3rd, 1934. In 1951 he won the right to attend the schools and the well-known military academies of the USSR and People’s Republic of China. In 1955, he returned to Albania and immediately become part of the Albanian Air Force. For special merits in this field he took decorations and gave his contribution in the preparation and training of new staff. He passed away on 24 July 1999.
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31 January, 1862, was born Zef De Rada, the son of the great arberesh
31 January, 1911, was published by the Western press the memorandum “The researchers of Albanian”
31 January 1920, was approved “The Statute of Lushnja” or the first Albanian Constitution
31 January 1925, was proclaimed the Albanian Republic and Ahmet Zogu President
31 January 1924, was published the first number of “Reforma” magazine