On August 30, 1930, was adopted the Regulation on the Application of Agrarian Reform. The reform under the Regulation did not affect properties under 40 hectares and pastures below 20 hectares. Farmers who benefited land could not get more than 5 hectares, regardless of the number of family members. The acquisition of land ownership was done only with a reward and one hectare costing 20 francs of gold.
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31 January, 1862, was born Zef De Rada, the son of the great arberesh
31 January, 1911, was published by the Western press the memorandum “The researchers of Albanian”
31 January 1920, was approved “The Statute of Lushnja” or the first Albanian Constitution
31 January 1925, was proclaimed the Albanian Republic and Ahmet Zogu President
31 January 1924, was published the first number of “Reforma” magazine