An amateur journalist, writer and painter, Albert Shala, was born in Shkodra on August 30, 1943. At homeland he received primary and secondary education. He graduated from the Faculty of Political and Juridical Sciences of the University of Tirana, where he headed and the 2-year journalism course. After schooling, he has been working as a journalist for nearly 40 years. The journalist’s path started in the radio-newsroom of the Radio Tirana, where he became acquainted with his work in the foreign sector. Dozens of hundreds of notes, comments and conversations about international events have been broadcast by the Albanian radio’s first microphone. After 8 years of intensive and highly responsible work, he moved to the Kruja local newspaper, “Kastrioti”, where he worked as an editor and then as editor-in-chief. From 1981 until he retired, he worked in the newspaper “Zëri i Popullit”. In addition to newspaper articles, Albert Shala, has published literary writing in the press of time. His apartment in Tirana is filled with high-level paintings, which he has worked for himself and his relatives in his spare time.
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31 January, 1911, was published by the Western press the memorandum “The researchers of Albanian”
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