The members of the Ambassadorial Conference, together with the representatives of Albania, Yugoslavia and Greece, on July 30, 1926, signed the Final Act for the Determination of the Albanian Boundaries. The document was registered at the League of Nations secretariat. To reach the end of this act, it took about 14 years of bargaining. At this time Albania was mutilated, many of its territories remain outside the official borders.
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9 March 1750, was established in Voskopoja “New Academy”, a very progressed high school
9 March 1907, in Shkodra was born the painter Zef Kolombi
9 March 1923, in Tirana was published the first number of “Rrufeja” newspaper
9 March 1927, was established the commercial company SITA, with an Albanian capital of 1 million gold francs
9 March 1937, in the Albanian press was required the censorship of cowboy films