Dhori Qiriazi
The poet, professor and researcher Dhori Qiriazi, was born on January 6th, 1933 in the village of Lëngëza, Kolonja. He finished the school in his hometown, the high school in “28 November” school in Shkodra and in 1958 he graduated in the Faculty of History and Philology. In September of that year he began teaching in high school “Petro Nini Luarasi” in Erseka and then for seven years he taught in schools of Mollas and Boshanj villages, educating generations of students. Dhori Qiriazi has begun the literary creativity since he was at school. The first volume of poetry, “When the heart beats first” was published in 1958. Some verses of this book were translated in Italian by Ernest Koliqi. In our press are some study articles of Dhori Qiriazi. To his pen also belong the articles as “Dhimitër Kamarda” and “Christianity in Albania”. He is distinguished in the field of Albanisation, with the translation of Robert Burns, Lord Byron, etc.
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