At Nina village of Filat in Çameria on April 7th, 1811, was born Hasan Tahsin, the most prepared intellectual in the Turkish capital. Here are some of the words and evaluations of the Albanian encyclopaedist Sami Frasheri, published in the journal “Hafta” in 1881; “Hasan Tahsin, he writes, dedicated all his life to the science and knowledge. To become useful for the people, he persistently continued the path dictated by the proverb …” seek knowledge wherever it is, from the cradle to the grave. “He kept the books always in his hands, he lived among them and technical and mechanical appliances. He owned the Islamic knowledge and the languages, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, English and French. Ht was really a rare scientist. He had poetic and literary skill. There are many people like me, who can attest the human and scientific perfection of Hoxhë Tahsini “, concludes his article Sami Frasheri.
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