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Scanderbeg’s bust in Hungary will be changed

“It is only the maket, it will change and will take on the features familiar to the Albanians,” said the Albanian Ambassador to Hungary, Arian Spasse, following the immediate reaction that caused the publication of the photo on the Embassy’s Facebook page, both Photographs depicting the statue of Skanderbeg that will be located in Budapest, considering the work of Hungarian sculptor Mihaly Gabor that there was no resemblance to the portrait of the hero.

“It is only the models, will change and will take on the features familiar to the Albanians,” said Albanian Ambassador to Hungary, Arian Spasse, following the reaction that caused the publication on the Embassy’s Facebook page, the two photographs that were presented Skenderbeu, which will be located in Budapest.

The Albanian media has taken an unpredictable dimension as an event, prompting immediate reaction of painters, scholars and sculptors, because Skanderbeg realized by Hungarian sculptor Mihaly Gabor had no resemblance to the hero’s portrait. After that, Ambassador Spasse hastened to clarify through a status, but on the embassy’s Facebook page.

“Taking some feedback from FB’s friends about the skeleton bust of Skanderbeg that is planned to be located in Budapest, I would like to clarify that the model shown in the picture is just a model. He will undergo changes until he gets the features that Albanians are familiar with. Thank you for your understanding, “wrote Ambassador Arian Spasse. Even the two previous pictures are removed from the page.

A few days ago, the Albanian embassy in Budapest announced the establishment of a statue of our National Hero in Budapest, next to the monument of Hungarian hero Janosh Hunaidi. But photos published on the social network at the Embassy’s Embassy in FB have begun to go fast in speed, prompting the Albanian reaction. Sculptors and professors of the Faculty of Fine Arts claim that the statue of our national hero as the work of the Hungarian sculptor Mihaly Gabor does not refer to Scanderbeg. According to them Skanderbeg is a figure that has a great role in history, but also in diplomacy. For sculptors Sadik Spahija, Artan Peqini or Ermir Grezda is a poorly crafted work.

For the media, the well-known sculptor, Sadik Spahija, who is the author and one of Skanderbeg’s works in Albania, said that the statue was mourning, which was presented through photos by the Albanian ambassador, Arian Spasse.

But also from the Pedagogues of Figurative Arts it is claimed that the statue is unworthy to represent our national hero, referring to the art of monumental plastics, suffering as a sculpture by a non-representative compositional solution.

Immediate and harsh reaction to this work was made by the dean of the faculty of Visual Arts, Ardian Isufi, who through his social network called an “artistic way” Hungarian sculpture, drawing attention to the “ignorance” of Albanian institutions.

“… I have not seen Skanderbeg any more” ambiguous impressive “but not Albanian … obviously it can be Hungarian, Bulgarian or Serbian, but not Albanian! … the end of the last, according to the witty folk expression, this” artistic and historical myth will not Lasting more than three days “and we will keep it where they have been preconverted by continually distorting our history and culture, but what I’m sorry is that the party in this case is also our institutional ignorance of our” Excellence “that we have sent with our taxes to promote Albania and are” earning “unprecedented Albania in the international arena,” Isufi said, suggesting that there are dozens of models in the Vatican Archives, engravings Where Skanderbeg’s figure could be interpreted as the Priest and Diplomat of Albanians!

But yesterday, with his withdrawal, the Albanian ambassador to Hungary, Spasse, says that “pressure” and reaction from Albania is a good shake of the ear for Albanian institutions. Although it is expected to see the final version of Skanderbeg’s changed “maket”.

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