With over 10,000 photographs in the archives, the Albanian Nationwide Collectors Center, could not be visited by the professor Rudolf Schafer. He is working for an exhibition with the photographs of Marubi studio. While looking the albums, with the interest of a person who knows the importance of a rare and old photography, Prof. Rudolf Schafer selected some appropriate photos to be included in the exhibition. After the selection all the original photos will be faced with the negatives of Marubi Phototheque, to enable a precise evidencing. The Honorary President of the Albanian Nationwide Collectors Center had a friendly conversation with Prof. Schafer, on the Albanian photography, the techniques, the evolution of the photography process, etc. He invited Mr. Shpetim Sala to participate in the exhibition that will be held in Shkodra in May. Also, Mr. Sala invited with a great pleasure the professor to be part of the future exhibition of QMKSH.